Thursday, 22 October 2009

College Magazine Contents Page

Finally, I used the filter- Extract tool again to grab a print-screen'd font off, re coloured it, and resized it to fit in the top left corner. Next to this I placed a manipulated image of brick work, not dissimilar to the image of brick work on the front cover of this magazine.

Then imported to images of students, i cut them out using the filter- Extract tool which can be really helpful as well as the magic wand tool and magnetic lassoo etc. I also used the box tools to give a border effect and then used the vertical type tool down the left hand side border.

I started out with a simple gradient...

My first initial idea, presented by sketch and influenced by the magazine covers below:

These are magazines that I came across that really inspired my magazine front cover:
On this cover, the thing that stood out to me was the purple, digital, abstract design done in graffiti style which gives the magazine an urban, 'street' look, which is what I want to achieve with my magazine.

This magazine stood out to me because of the mast head, I just loved the colours used, the font and the way it is related to the skyline, it is brilliant as it is vibrant, colourful and very eyecaching, exactly what I want to achieve with my own.

Again, it was the masthead that particularly appealed to me on this cover, the style looks very 'cool' and 'trendy', making it appeal to youths and young men in thier early twenties possibly.

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